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How to implement Distributed Traces using OpenTelemetry on your Kubernetes cluster

In the dynamic world of microservices and cloud-native applications, maintaining visibility and understanding the intricate interactions between services can be a daunting task. The need for robust observability tools is more pressing than ever to ensure reliability, performance, and the overall health of the system. This is where distributed tracing comes into play, offering a …

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What is IAST ( Interactive Application Security Testing)

IAST (Interactive Application Security Testing ) is a term for tools that combine the advantages of SAST (Static Application Security Testing and DAST ( Dynamic Application Security Testing ). As a generic term, IAST tools can differ greatly in their approach to testing web application security. We will explain how these testing tools came about, how they detect security …

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NIST’s DevSecOps guidance: This is what you should know

The NIST DevSecOps guide publication critically highlights technical security rudiments for industry-level DevSecOps integrating with cloud-native applications based on microservices. Cloud adoption has crept into the deeper interests of decision-makers at the US government. Cloud adoption is moving rapidly, and although government bodies had a reasonably good grasp of it before, they are now moving …

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